Insulation Prevents Climate Change

Climate change is in the mind of everyone these days. Regardless of how you choose to view this ecological problem; whether you believe it is a man-made situation or something that it just is normal events of the moving on of time. . . One thing is for certain, the temperatures around the world are changing.

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Cold is more cold and hot is hotter. In terms of environment protection, this means that both homes and offices are leaving higher carbon imprints as before because their heating and cooling systems are working for longer periods of times and at a higher power.

Yet, that is not the only problem. In the financial sphere of things, there is the additional problem that homes and businesses are spending more money in AC and Heating bills than ever before. As a consequence, families and business owners are tightening their budgets and, sometimes, even exposing themselves to physical and health issues in order to cut down on AC or heating.

This is where insulation takes an important role. Through the selection and application of the right type of insulation, both homes and businesses will be able to reduce both the financial expense and the carbon imprint.

Considering, in just a hypothetical scenario. . . Any given home, with 4-6 family members (pets included) or a small to medium size business with an average of 10-15 employees is spending around 40% of the monthly expense budget to cover AC and Heating bills. Once they have either replaced old, broken or wrongfully chosen insulation materials, they have been able to reduce their expenses as much as 20%!

Nonetheless, the financial benefits are not limited to the amount of expenses that homes and businesses have to do in terms of keeping their homes and offices cool or hot.
If we consider only businesses; the additional benefit comes when:

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• The employees will feel more comfortable and will, consequently, product more.

• There will be less distractions in terms of having to leave their work stations to seek hot or cold beverages. Or go to the services.

• Employees will require less sick days as they will not be exposed to heat strokes or colds.
If we turn to homes, there are similar additional benefits too:

  •  The functional life of home appliances will increase. Working home appliances in high temperatures will cause their engines to work more, thus consuming more electricity
  •  Food expenses also will be reduced. Food products that do not need to be stored in appliances such as the refrigerator or that do not need to be cooked immediately will be able to stand in the outside for a longer time. Thus reducing the expense of having to keep the food refrigerated or iced.

However, selecting the right insulation for your home or office can be a tricky thing. Subscribe to our blog for updates on how to select the right insulation and where to start. Nonetheless, if you can’t wait, please do contact us. Our experts are waiting to help you select the right insulation.

Start saving money today! Help the planet!